Rev. 1.1
Assembly Instructions
Hand Dosing Device WDVHP-0x-HG
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Walther Systemtechnik GmbH
D 76726 Germersheim
Telefon: +49 (0)7274-7022-0 Telefax: +49 (0)7274-7022-91
1 Introduction
1.1 Target Group of the Assembly Instructions
Operating Personnel
Maintenance Personnel
1.2 List of Signs and Symbols
Symbols are used to identify hazards and certain practices. Symbols are also used in the assembly
instructions. The below symbols for hazards and information describe circumstances which can result in
damages to persons, objects and environment if not observed.
The following terms and symbols are used in the assembly instructions to identify hazards:
Describes a potentially dangerous situation.
Death, grievous bodily harm or severe material damage
occur if the respective
measures of precaution have not been taken.
Describes a potentially dangerous situation.
Death, grievous bodily harm or severe material damage
occur if the respective
measures of precaution have not been taken.
Describes a potentially dangerous situation.
Slight injuries CAN occur if the respective measures of precaution have not been taken.
This signal word is also used to describe possible property damages.
Indicates tips for usage and other particularly useful information.
dangerous situation.
2 Safety
2.1 General Information
The construction of this incomplete device is according to the latest technology and is absolutely reliable.
The individual components as well as the complete device are continuously checked by our quality
2.2 Dangers from Residual Energies
Please instruct the operating personnel on the respective measures to be taken against the occurrence of
mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electric / electronic residual energies.
2.3 Warranty and Liability
According to the conditions laid down by the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), Walther Systemtech-
nik GmbH has a guarantee of 12 months under normal European operating conditions on its own parts
(spare parts are excluded); or according to the conditions of the manufacturer.
This guarantee can only be granted by Walther Systemtechnik GmbH, if:
the user has thorough knowledge of the content of these assembly instructions;
the user follows the instructions and notes contained in these assembly instructions;
the user does not rebuild or make changes on parts of the (incomplete) device without prior consent
of WST Systemtechnik GmbH.