Rev. 1.1
Digital Multi-Purpose Controller 97TS500R
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Walther Systemtechnik GmbH
– D 76726 Germersheim
Telefon: +49 (0)7274-7022-0 Telefax: +49 (0)7274-7022-91
7 Operation
7.1 General Information
This device will only be operated when all safety-relevant equipment is constantly operating and active and
will not be turned off during operation or altered in its designated function.
8 I/O Configuration and Feedback for End of Cycle
Upon completion of a dispense cycle, an open collector circuit closes and remains closed until the next
dispense cycle. This circuit can be used to signal back to a host computer, start another device in sequence,
or drive any other operations that need to be tied to the completion of the dispense cycle. Upon closure, (end
of dispense cycle), power from an external source is allowed to pass through the circuit to operate a 5 to 24
VDC load. Power consumption must not exceed 250 mA. The load could be a relay, solenoid, counter, LED,
or any device that will operate within a 5 to 24 VDC range and a maximum of 250 mA.
At the end of each cycle, pin 3 will be grounded. Please make sure the external device (your machine
that controls the dispenser/controller) has the same ground as the 97TS500R controller.
To initiate a dispense cycle with Voltage
During Cycle = GROUND
End of Cycle = OPEN
Low Pressure Alarm On = GROUND
Low Pressure Alarm OFF = OPEN
To initiate a dispense cycle with contact closure
Chassis Ground
PIN 7,8 and 9 = available