Trailer Wood Splitter
2.5 Equipment Safety Guidelines
Always place the machine in a
Safe Condition
performing any service work, maintenance procedures, or
storage preparation.
Shut off engine.
Make sure all moving parts have stopped.
Disconnect battery ground (-) cable.
Block or chock wheels.
Never use equipment with safety shields removed. Keep all
shields in place. If shield removal becomes necessary for
repairs, reinstall the shield prior to use.
Replace any safety sign or instruction sign that is not
readable or is missing. Location of safety signs is indicated
in this manual.
Do not allow anyone other than a responsible, properly
trained and physically able person to operate this machine.
This equipment is dangerous to children and persons
unfamiliar with its operation.
Do not modify the equipment in any way. Unauthorized
modification may result in serious injury or death and may
impair the function and life of the equipment.
Never exceed the limits of the machine. If its ability to do
the job or to do it safely is in question—
2.6 Safety Training
The best safety feature is an
informed, careful operator—we ask
you be that kind of operator. It is
the operator's responsibility to read,
understand and follow ALL safety
and operation instructions in the
Train all new personnel and review instruc tions frequently
with existing workers. Only properly trained and physically
able operators should use this equipment.
A person who
has not read and understood all operation and safety
instructions is not qualified to use the machine.
operators expose themselves and bystanders to possible
serious injury or death. If elderly people are assisting with
the work, their physical limitations need to be recognized
and accommodated.
Learn the controls and how to stop the machine quickly in
an emergency.
If this machine is loaned or rented, it is the machine
owner's responsibility to make certain that every operator:
Reads and understands the owner's manual
Is instructed in safe and proper use of the equipment
Understands and knows how to perform the Safe
Condition procedure
2.7 Refueling Safety
Engine fuel is highly flammable. Handle with care.
Fill fuel tank outdoors.
Stop the engine before refueling. Allow engine to cool for
five minutes. Clean up spilled fuel before restarting engine.
Do not overfill the fuel tank.
If fuel is spilled, wipe it away carefully and wait until the fuel
has dried before starting the engine.
Do not refuel the machine while
smoking or when near open flame or
After refueling, make sure that the fuel cap is secured to
prevent spillage.
Prevent fires by keeping machine clean of accumulated
trash, grease, and debris.
2.8 Tire Safety
Failure to follow proper procedures when mounting a tire on
a wheel or rim can produce an explosion which may result
in serious injury or death.
Do not attempt to mount a tire unless you have the proper
equipment and experience to do the job.
Have a qualified tire dealer or repair service perform
required tire maintenance.
When replacing worn tires, make sure they meet the
original tire specifications. Never install undersized tires.
2.9 Hydraulic Safety
Make sure that all the components in the hydraulic system
are kept in good condition and are clean.