To insure the safe and reliable operation of the Backhoe, it is necessary to match the backhoe with the
machine (tractor or skidsteer). Consult your owners manual for machine specifications and use the
following list as a guide to ensure your machine matches the backhoes requirements.
Horsepower of the
equipment establishes the size of the back-
hoe, and weight of the machine for optimum
stability during operation. Stay within the
backhoe HP power specification range:
18 - 28 hp
18 - 30 hp
30 - 60 hp
45 - 100 hp
45 - 100 hp
2. Hydraulic Flow
: Wallenstein backhoes
are designed to operate at a specific flow
rate. Operating the backhoe above the
specified flow rate will cause damage to
the seals and will void the warranty.
GE605 3.5-6 gpm (13.3-22.8 Lpm)
GX Series 5-7 gpm (18.9-26.5 Lpm)
Connection to the spare hydraulic ports
Tractor Weight:
By following the recom-
mendations for the tractor HP, the tractor
will have sufficient weight to provide stabil
ity for the unit when transporting. It is also
recommended that each tractor be equipped
with a front end loader. This will provide the
required weight on the front for transport
stability and to counter-balance the dynamic
loads during operation.
Belly or Four Point Mount:
backhoes are
designed to be attached to a tractor model
specific subframe and is made up of these
• 4 point mount: left and right braces that
extends along the bottom of the tractor
and 4 point link mount
• Belly mount, that extends along the bot-
tom of the tractor to the backhoe
5. Skid Steer Tieback:
An adaptor plate called
a tieback is used to mount the Wallenstein
backhoe to a skid steer.
• The tieback mounts to the backhoe, al-
lowing the back hoe to be attached to
the skidsteer.
6. Three Point Hitch:
in certain cases Back-
hoe's may be mounted on a 3 point hitch with
one of the three point hitch kits:
• PT300 3 Point hitch CAT I: for older low
HP tractors equipped with CAT I 3PH for
which there is no subframe available, for
lite duty only.
• PT322 3 Point hitch CAT II: for tractors
above 100 hp that do not require a sub-
The GE605 Backhoe is not designed or
equipped to be used with a 3 point hitch.
PTO Shaft (for Optional Power Pack):
tractor must have a 1 3/8 inch 6 spline 540
RPM PTO shaft to fit the pump drive coupler
available with the kit. Do not use shaft adapt-
ers or operate at any other speed.
It is not recommended that tractors with vari-
able speed PTOs be used on the Backhoe.
Operating at speeds faster than 540 RPM
will overspeed the pump and lead to early
Complete instructions on installation are
included with the power pack kit.
When mounting a
GE605 or GX620 backhoe
to a skid steer that has a flow rate
greater than 8 GPM
(32 Lpm), BFC501 Flow Divider Kit
is required to prevent damage to the seals and voiding the warranty.