Counter function
767-5401 4DIO 24V DC 0.2A HS (4xM12)
Version 1.1.0
Control of the Counter via Inputs and Outputs
The assignment of the counter functions to the individual channels is defined in
the following table. By default, the functions "gate input," "count direction input,"
and "switching output" are deactivated via the inputs and outputs. They then
control the counter via the process data.
In order to control the counter functions via the inputs and outputs of the module,
switch these on via DTMs using WAGOframe or another FDT/DTM framework
application. You can find the necessary DTMs at wago.com. This configuration is
also possible with some fieldbus systems (e.g. PROFIBUS
Table 42: Connection assignment for the counter function
Inputs and outputs
Channel Description
Impulse input
X1, pin 4 Counter input
Gate input
X2, pin 4
Release input
0: Counter is blocked. Impulses will
not be counted.
1: Counter is released. Impulses will be
Count direction input
X3, pin 4 0: Counter counts up.
1: Counter counts downwards.
Switching output
X4, pin 4
Counts up
On reaching the set limit value, the
output is set.
Counts down:
On exceeding the limit value 0, the
output is set.
For detailed information about connection assignment, see section “Connecting
Data and Supply Cables” > "Connect Sensor/Actuator Cable".