767-5401 4DIO 24V DC 0.2A HS (4xM12)
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 29 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/Ü berschriften für alle Serien/Inbetri ebnehmen - Konfigurier en - Parametri eren - Bedienen/Parametrier en - Überschrift 1 @ 3\mod_1223554593484_21.docx @ 23717 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 30.1 /Serie 767 (WAGO-SPEED WAY)/Par ametrieren/I/O-M odule/Parametri erung 767- xxxx allgemei n @ 5\mod_1249376935062_21.docx @ 40257 @ @ 1
All parameters listed here can be set using WAGOframe (or another FDT/DTM
frame application) for the module.
If you use a fieldbus for the parameterization, only certain parameters are
configurable, depending on the type of fieldbus.
Changing parameters!
When parameters are incorrectly modified via FDT/DTM frame application (e.g.,
WAGOframe), machine components could be placed in a dangerous state and
personnel and machines could be at risk.
Before changing the parameters, ensure that the machine components are in a safe
and defined state and switch off the higher-level controller.
Also ensure before start-up that no personnel remain in the danger area of the
machine components.
For the parameterization of the module, an appropriate DTM is available. Via this
DTM, you can parameterize the module either online or offline. The offline mode
enables the parameterization of a module that is not yet present. In the offline
mode, first store the parameters in a project and later transfer them to the module.
In the online mode there is a direct link between the display and the connected
module. If the module is in the online mode, its name is displayed in
font in the network window.
Detailed informations.
Detailed information on handling WAGOframe can be found in the fieldbus
coupler manuals.
The following sections provide information on the parameters and their