767-5401 4DIO 24V DC 0.2A HS (4xM12)
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 21.24 /Serie 767 ( WAGO-SPEED WAY)/Monti eren/I/O-M odule/Montage mi t Pr ofiladapter an einer Pr ofilschiene 767- xxxx allgemein @ 5\mod_1249032474562_21.docx @ 39773 @ 3 @ 1
Fastening the Module with Profile Adapter to a Profile Rail
To fasten the module to a profile rail of your system, two nuts are required with
one screw each (length of screw threads must be compatible with your system).
1. Disconnect the power supply from those devices on which you wish to
mount the module.
2. Insert the two screws into the holes above and beneath the fastened module
on the profile adapter.
3. Fasten an appropriate nut on each of these screws.
4. Insert the profile adapter with the attached module into the profile rail of
your system. Position it and tighten the screws.
Pos: 21.25 /D okumentati on allgemei n/Gli ederungsel emente/---Seitenwechsel--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.docx @ 21810 @ @ 1