Application Examples
Test of MODBUS protocol and fieldbus nodes
6 Application Examples
6.1 Test of MODBUS protocol and fieldbus nodes
You require a MODBUS master to test the function of your fieldbus node. For
this purpose, various manufacturers offer a range of PC applications that you
can, in part, download from the Internet as free of charge demo versions.
One of the programs which is particularly suitable to test your ETHERNET
TCP/IP fieldbus node, is for instance
More information
A free of charge demo version from ModScan32 and further utilities from
Win-Tech can be found in the Internet under:
ModScan32 is a Windows application that works as a MODBUS master.
This program allows you to access the data points of your connected
ETHERNET TCP/IP fieldbus node and to proceed with the desired changes.
More information
For a description example relating to the software operation, please refer to:
6.2 Visualization and control using SCADA software
This chapter is intended to give insight into how the WAGO ETHERNET
fieldbus coupler/controller can be used for process visualization and control
using standard user software.
There is a wide range of process visualization programs, called SCADA
Software, from various manufacturers.
More information
For a selection of SCADA products, look under i.e.:
SCADA is the abbreviation for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.
It is a user-orientated tool used as a production information system in the areas
of automation technology, process control and production monitoring.
The use of SCADA systems includes the areas of visualization and
monitoring, data access, trend recording, event and alarm processing, process
analysis and targeted intervention in a process (control).
The WAGO ETHERNET fieldbus node provides the required process input
and output values.