126 Commissioning
WAGO I/O System 750
750-8210/040-000 PFC200; G2; 4ETH; XTR
Version 1.7.0, valid from FW Version 04.01.10(23)
Figure 49: WBM Status Bar (Example)
Date and Time - Local date and local time and on the device
Setting of the mode selector switch
LED status of the Device:
All LEDs are graphically represented and are labeled with their particular
n (e.g., SYS, RUN, …). The following colors are possible:
- gray: LED is off.
- full color (green, red, yellow, orange): The LED is activated in the
particular color.
- half color:
The LED is flashing in the corresponding color. The other half of the
surface is then either gray or also colored. The latter case indicates that
the LED is flashing sequentially in different colors.
A tooltip containing more detailed information opens as long as the cursor
is positioned over an LED. The text that is displayed also contains the
message that put the LED into its current status. The time of the message
is also shown.
The states displayed in the WBM will not always correspond at the precise
time to those on the controller. Data has a runtime during transmission and
can only be queried at a certain interval. The time period between two
queries is 30 seconds.
Do not power cycle the controller after changing any parameters!
Some parameter changes require a controller restart for the changes to apply.
Saving changes takes time.
Do not power cycle the controller to perform a restart, i.e., changes may be lost
by shutting down the controller too soon.
Only restart the controller using the software reboot function. This ensures that
all memory operations are completed correctly and completely.
A description of the WBM pages and the respective parameters can be found in
the appendix in Sec
tion “Configuration Dialogs” > “Web-Based Management