96 Commissioning
750-363/0040-0000 FC EtherNet/IP G4 ECO XTR
Version 1.0.0
Assigning IP Address via DHCP
Set the address selection switch to 255 for assigning the IP address via
Set the address selection switch to 255 to disable the DIP switch and to enable
Restart the fieldbus node after adjusting the address selection switch to apply the
configuration changes.
In delivery state of the head station, the dynamic assignment of the IP address is
active by means of "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol" (DHCP).
When the DHCP protocol is enabled the head station of fieldbus node expects
the DHCP server to be permanently available. If there is no DHCP server
available after a Power On reset, the network will remain inactive.
If DHCP is not active, it is necessary to enable DHCP, e. g. via "WAGO Ethernet
Settings" or via the WBM (see chapters "Enable DHCP via "WAGO Ethernet
Settings" (without existing IP address)" or "Enable DHCP via WBM (with existing
IP address)").
Then the IP address assignment with DHCP takes place automatically via a
DHCP server in the network.
If there is no DHCP server on your local PC, you can download a DHCP server
free of charge from the Internet and install it on your PC.
Total network failure when there are two DHCP servers in the network!
To prevent network failure, never connect a PC, on which a DHCP server is
installed, to a global network. In larger networks, there is usually a DHCP server
already that can cause collisions and subsequent network failure.
Assign the DHCP server a fixed IP address and note common subnet!
Note that the DHCP server must have a fixed IP address and that the fieldbus
node and DHCP server must be in the same subnet.
After the IP address was assigned by means of DHCP, it can be determined via
the settings or outputs of the respective DHCP server, such as via the output of
"Open DHCP", for example.