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5.2.5 Specialty Modules
WAGO has a host of Specialty I/O modules that perform various functions.
With individual modules beside the data bytes also the control/status byte is
mapped in the process image. The control/status byte is required for the bi-
directional data exchange of the module with the higher-ranking control sys-
tem. The control byte is transmitted from the control system to the module and
the status byte from the module to the control system.
This allows, for example, setting of a counter with the control byte or display-
ing of overshooting or undershooting of the range with the status byte.
Further information
For detailed information about the structure of a particular module’s con-
trol/status byte, please refer to that module’s manual. Manuals for each
module can be found on the Internet under:
The Specialty Modules represent as analog modules.
For this, the process input data of the Specialty Modules seize one Instance per
channel in the Analog Input Point Object (Class 0x67) and the process output
data seize one Instance seize one Instance in the Analog Input Point Object
(Class 0x67) per channel in the Analog Output Point Object (Class 0x68).
Counter Modules
750-404, (and all variations except of /000-005),
753-404, (and variation /000-003)
The above Counter Modules have a total of 5 bytes of user data in both the In-
put and Output Process Image (4 bytes of counter data and 1 byte of con-
trol/status). The counter value is supplied as 32 bits. The following tables il-
lustrate the Input and Output Process Image, which has a total of 6 bytes
mapped into each image.
Input Process Image
Byte Destination
S Status
- not
Counter Value
The specialty modules represent 1x6 bytes input data and seize 1 Instance in
Class (0x67).