Fieldbus Description
Product manual | Version: 1.0.0
EtherNet/IP Communication Module
Fieldbus Description
4.1 Technology
4.1.1 EtherNet/IP Overview
EtherNet/IP is based on the TCP/IP protocol family and handles the lower four layers of
the OSI layer model in unmodified form so that all standard ETHERNET communication
modules, such as PC interface cards, cables, connectors, hubs, switches etc., can be
used with EtherNet/IP in the same way. The “Encapsulation Protocol,” with which the
“Common Industrial Protocol” (CIP) is superimposed on TCP/IP and UDP/IP, is located
above the transport layer.
CIP is already used as a major network-independent standard for ControlNet and De-
viceNet. Therefore, transferring an application to one of these systems is very feasible
and easy. The data exchange is based on an object model.
ControlNet, DeviceNet and EtherNet/IP all have the same application protocol and can
therefore use common device profiles and object libraries. These objects enable plug-
and-play interoperability between complex devices from different manufacturers.
4.1.2 EDS File
The “Electronic Data Sheet” (EDS) file contains the product characteristics and informa-
tion regarding its communication capabilities. The EDS file required for operation is im-
ported/installed by the corresponding configuration software. Observe the installation
notes in the documentation of the EDS file for the configuration software you are using.
Downloading the EDS file
You can download the EDS file from the download area of the WAGO website: