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Страница 1: ... BRA 350 400 450 Universal Radial Arm Saw Instruction Manual w w w w a d k i n c o m i n f o w a d k i n c o m ...
Страница 2: ...ice Read instruction manual before installing operating or maintaining machine Manufactured by A L Dalton Ltd Crossgate Drive Queens Drive Ind Est Nottingham I NG21 LW United Kingdom Telephone Number 0870 850 9111 Fax Number 0870 240 0575 Website www wadkin com Email info wadkin com MODEL TYPE SERIAL NO VOLTS HP 015 YEAR PH HZ w w w w a d k i n c o m i n f o w a d k i n c o m ...
Страница 3: ...dkin Ultracare limited Frank s Road Hilltop Industrial Park Bardon Leicestershire LE67 lIT RESPONSIBLE PERSON Mr J P Smith Director MACHINE DESCRIPTION TYPE MODEL Cross Cut Saw BRA DIRECTIVES COMPLIED WITH Supply of Machinery Safety Regulations 1992 Amendment No 2063 1994 Draught Proposal CENfTC 142 ISO 9001 Part 1 SIGNED ON BEHALf OF WADKIN ULTRACARE LTD w w w w a d k i n c o m i n f o w a d k i ...
Страница 4: ...the latest developments to enhance performance dimensions and suppliers may vary from those illustrated This manual is written as a general guide A typical machine is shown to illustrate the main features For reason of clarity certain guards safety devices and machine p rts may not be shown on particular illustrations but MUST be fixed to the machine correctly set and working before operating Fail...
Страница 5: ...rk equipment Every employer shall ensure that work equipment is used only for the operations lor which and under conditions lor which it is suitable In lhls regulation suitabte means suitable in any respect whi h it is reasonably foreseaable will affect health or safely of any person Tho Provision and Uso 01 Work Equipment Regulations also indude requirements as follows regulation 6 malntell3 noo ...
Страница 6: ...ipment i e ear defenders employers should reler to the Personal Protective Equipment al Work Regulations 1992 Dust Wood dust can be harmful to hea lth by inhalati on and skin contact and cOrlcentratlons cf small particles in the air can form an explosive mixture The COlltrol 01 Substances Hal ardous to Heatth Regulations COSHH 1989 place legal duties on employers to ensure that the exposure of his...
Страница 7: ...D Fig 1 lift plnce a ling through the motor Fig 2 stirrup ensuring lhe motor slide lock is engaged to prevent unit movcment Fig 2 3 Slowly lift the machine ensuring it does not tilt and the slillg is not Iipping Move Ih m hi c c r ru l ly 0 the pr p rcd site avoiding jolting Or vibration WARN INC Do not walk or stand undCrnCJlh a raised ITIllchine I l PAC K1 NG Remow the packaging material from al...
Страница 8: ...SCUT SAW BRA 400 Maximum diameter 01 ilW Maximum aaw projection Width will Cl06SCU wlVl Standard arm at 90 Width will crosscut with Standard arm a14S Height of wart l8bte Diameter of saw spindle Power of motorjIntermittant Spee J of motor 50 hertz Speed of motor 60 hertz Maximum overall height Nel weight approx Gross weight eppl Ox Shipping dimef ions approx 400 mm 133 mm 39Q 133 mm 4SO 25 mm IIOx...
Страница 9: ... FIG 1 I Place wood table against 2 ofIS dia x 25 long groYl f1ock dowels 2 FastaJ1 13b18 In position by 6 off Ma x 35 long pan MAd SC 8W5 suppllfld complete with M6 nuts and washers 3 RemOve gro 6r1oc1 doWels 4 Position fence and packing pieces behind table S Place wood packing blocks over 8 dia holes on stays of base 6 Fit left hand and righl hand lable wedges in position wlItl4 011 Me x 60 g pa...
Страница 10: ...ntt to noli whin connecting to pOWer I U pply 1 Check the voltage phase and Irequeney correspond to those on lf1e motor plate allO the cor ect coils and heate s ara fined IQ the starter 2 It Is Important that the coffecl cable Is us d 10 give the correct voltage 10 the Slarter IllS running on low voltage will damage the motor 3 Chac the main line fuses ara of Ihe correct capacity See list beJow oo...
Страница 11: ... Fig 5 for bolt positions and clearance required When installing the machine must be levelled p by means of packing pieces under the feet The machine table sho td be slightly high at the front end This will ensure thAt the saw n remains in the back position when not in use see page 14 This does not affect the accuracy of the machine Foundation bolts are not supplied with the machine except by speC...
Страница 12: ...d al l9les with ha arm SWUI I9 to the left 01 the openItor F1TTING SAWBLADES 1 Isolat chlne lectrically 2 Open sawguard door 2 quart r turn screwa 3 Fit long arm hexagon wrench Inlo spindle end and remove the spindle Iocknut LH ihread and ramove front taw flange and sawblade Enlure aplndl and saw flanges I r cleln fit blade to I plndle and up 10 the rur saw flange Check tna blade teeth are pointin...
Страница 13: ...e supports by loosening hexagon head bolts and moving up 01 down whictM M lr is required When Sflt tighlElll all bolts 6 Replace fence in position required and rcpjaca packing pieces and wedges SAW AUGNMENTS 1 SIW square 10lIbIe To check thia alIgnmElll place a steer square agelnst the saw as hown in tig 1 It edjustment is necenery disen gage the mOlOr locating lalch A loesen motor pivot locking h...
Страница 14: ...ainst the fonco Rototo the stool rule from front to rear 11 adjustment Is necessary loosen stirrup Iocklng hondlo 0 and djsengage the stirrup locating latch S sct oorrectly then relock In position with teller 0 Adjust the aerotlght nuts e and hUllgon loeknuts OF until the lateh S locates a curalety In the slot In the stirrup w w w w a d k i n c o m i n f o w a d k i n c o m ...
Страница 15: ... Fig 12 After adjustment M pillar rise and fall should be checked 10 ensure the movement is not too tight RISE AND FALL OF THE ARM The arm rise and lall is by means of the handle A in Fig 14 The handle turns a screw in El brass nut which is U1chored to the foot The total travel 0 1 the arm is 14 356mm w w w w a d k i n c o m i n f o w a d k i n c o m ...
Страница 16: ...ARTS PlEASE aUOTe PART NUMBER AND SERIAL NUMBER OF MACHINE For Replacement parts Tools and Accessories Contact Wadkin ULTRACARE Ltd Franks Road Hilltop Industrial Park Bardon Leics LE67 1TT w w w w a d k i n c o m i n f o w a d k i n c o m ...
Страница 17: ...0 0 0 T2 T3 P1P2 11 l2 U V ov rAlA l lAI 24V R ROOVl LN HlRJ lOT OI I FrrTfJl WlTtw rc nsu srORS o B l __ __ _ _ 9S OVE LOAD IWTO 4 Rf SET t STOP l hl j START 111 2 6fT3 Tor c TVRr 1 1 PBPsw 3 15 5k N PRODUCTION BRAKE FOR 400V Jph MOTORS WADKlNS I_ ro rr n l H IH M p J 1111111f1 I_ W J U fllroc w w w w a d k i n c o m i n f o w a d k i n c o m ...
Страница 18: ...etermine whether er net furlher precautions are required 10 achieve sElle working levels Facters that illfluence the Elctual leyel of exposure 10 the werk 10lce include the duration of posure Ihe characteristics of the work room sources ef noise etc i e the number of machines and other adjacent prrn esses Also the parmissible axposu e lavels can vary from country to COl lntry Emissien levels howev...
Страница 19: ... EN847 1 hall be used on he machine It should also be notad that H S S BOW blades may be prohibited by law In eertal countries and the oporator should ascertai rhe position on this point w w w w a d k i n c o m i n f o w a d k i n c o m ...
Страница 20: ...Telephone Number 0870 850 9111 Fax Number 0870 240 0575 Website www wadkin com Email info wadkin com w w w w a d k i n c o m i n f o w a d k i n c o m ...