Fingerwheel. The control wheel on the Intuos4 Mouse and optional Airbrush.
Journal. A Microsoft Windows application that electronically simulates a physical journal pad, but with the
advantages of digital note taking. For example, you can create quick sketches and jot handwritten notes
that can be converted to text and sent on to colleagues for digital mark-up. Journal includes a variety of
pen, marker, and highlighter tools, plus an eraser that is easily activated by the eraser of your Intuos4 pen.
Additionally, your handwritten content is searchable within Journal.
Mapping. The relationship between your Intuos4 tool position on the tablet and the cursor position on the
monitor screen.
Modifier. Modifier keys include S
, A
, and C
for Windows, or
, and
for Macintosh. You can customize your Intuos4 tool to simulate a modifier key.
Mouse acceleration. A setting that allows you to adjust the screen cursor acceleration when your Intuos4
tool is in M
Mouse mode. A method for positioning the screen cursor. When you place an Intuos4 tool on the tablet,
you can move the screen cursor with a “pick up and slide” motion similar to using a traditional mouse.
This is known as relative positioning, and is the default setting for the Intuos4 Mouse. See also pen mode.
Mouse speed. A setting that allows you to adjust the speed at which your screen cursor moves when your
Intuos4 tool is in M
Nib. The replaceable pen tip.
OLED. Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) are made up of semi-conductor polymers. OLEDs do not
need a background lighting to function, and thus have a lower power consumption and can be much
thinner than LCD panels.
Pairing. A method of creating a virtual cable link between two Bluetooth enabled devices. Pairing is the
process whereby Intuos4 and the computer discover one another for the “first” time.
Pen mode. A method of positioning the screen cursor. Wherever you place your Intuos4 tool on the tablet,
the screen cursor will appear at the corresponding point on the screen. This is known as absolute
positioning, and is the default setting for all Intuos4 pen tools. Also, P
allows you to quickly
position the screen cursor without having to first find it and then move it across the desktop. See also
mouse mode.
Pixel. The smallest unit of measure on your monitor screen.
Pressure sensitive. A quality of the Intuos4 pen tip and eraser that senses the amount of pressure being
applied. This is used to create natural-looking pen, brush, and eraser strokes in applications that are
pressure sensitive.
Pressure-sensitive application. Any application that supports pressure-sensitive input.
Proximity. The height above the tablet’s
where the Intuos4 tools are detected.
See also