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Active area. The drawing area of the tablet where your Intuos tools are detected.
Application-specific settings. Intuos tool and tablet settings that have been customized for individual
applications. The control panel enables you to program a tool to behave uniquely in different applications.
Your application-specific settings are in effect whenever you use the application.
Aspect. The ratio between the vertical and horizontal dimension of the tablet or display. The A
setting is located on the M
tab, and defines how the tablet area is mapped to the display area. This
setting determines if the aspect of the tablet and display are the same. It also determines if a 1:1 scale will
be maintained between the tablet and display.
Click force. The amount of force you must apply to your Intuos Pen or Airbrush tip for a click to occur.
Double-click assist. A control panel option that makes it easier to double-click. When selected, you can
customize the double-click speed and distance.
Double-click distance. The maximum distance (in screen pixels) that the cursor can move between
clicks and still be accepted as a double-click. Increasing the double-click distance makes double-clicking
easier, but may cause a delay in brush strokes in some graphics applications.