Thank you for purchasing a VTech cord-
less telephone. This manual is designed
to familiarize you with your
VT 2910c. To
get the maximum use from your new
phone, we suggest that you read this In-
struction Manual before using your
2910c .
Your VTech
VT 2910c is a two line,
900MHz, digital cordless phone with
a Speakerphone on the Base Unit.
VT 2910c digitizes your voice
using advanced ADPCM digital voice
coding, providing noise and distortion
free performance.
The VTech
VT 2910c also scrambles
your voice before transmitting it
between the Handset and Base Unit.
This minimizes the possibility of
surveillance by scanners and similar
Your VTech
VT 2910c is Caller ID and
Call Waiting-Caller ID compatible.
The Handset LCD will display the
name and phone number of the calling
party, when available.
NOTE: Caller ID and Call Waiting-
Caller ID are subscription services,
available through most service
p r o v i d e r s . C o n t a c t y o u r l o c a l
t e l e p h o n e s e r v i c e p r o v i d e r f o r
subscription information.
When the VTech
VT 2910c is not in
use, you can easily answer a call on
the Handset by pressing any key other
than the OFF or Volume keys. This is
very useful in a dark environment.
VT 2910c provides one way
Paging from the Base Unit to the
Handset (very useful as a Handset
locator), and a two way Intercom
between the Handset and Base Unit.
The VTech
VT 2910c uses a non-
v o l a t i l e m e m o r y w h i c h i s n o t
susceptible to power failures. This
feature provides permanent storage of
all memory dial numbers, Caller ID
records, as well as the Base Unit and
Handset security codes.
optional battery pack installed in
the Base Unit provides operational
backup in the event of a power failure.
Calls can still be placed and received
without interruption. About 5 hours of
backup power is available with a fully
charged battery pack in the Base Unit.
Your VTech
VT 2910c informs you
when another phone on the same line
is currently in use. The Handset will
also alert you when you are Out of
Range, whether or not the Handset is
in use.
12/16/99, 6:15 AM