VPFlowScope M probe
© 2016 Van Putten Instruments BV | MAN-VP-SMPR-UK | Revision:1600 | Date:23-03-2016
Pulse output
RS485 is a serial interface that can be used to connect the VPFlowScope M probe to VPVision,
remote monitoring software or a building management system.
It is important to match the communication parameters. All devices need to speak the same
"language". Various settings are available to match any building management system.
Communication settings
The RS485 communication settings can be changed with VPStudio 2.0. Below shows the available
Baud rate: 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600
Stop bits: 1 | 2
Parity: None | Even | Odd
Factory default is: 38400, 1, none
The communication protocol is
Modbus RTU
. The Modbus table is identical to the Modbus TCP
interface. More information can be found in the
The USB interface can be used to connect the transmitter to your computer. With the VPStudio 2.0
software you are able to configure the device, or to read out recorded data. See the
for more information.
The mini USB connector can be found on the bottom side of the transmitter. Remove the nut to reveal
the connector. Note: Make sure you tighten the nut to remain IP rating. Check the o-ring on any
defects as this may affect the IP rating.
When the USB connector is applied, the transmitter will be powered. All transmitter functionality is
available. External power needs to be applied to power the VPSensorCartridge.
Install USB driver
When the transmitter is connected to the computer, please check the driver. The driver might have
been installed automatically. If not, the driver needs to be installed manually. The driver can be found
in the download area on our website
. A separate driver is
available for Windows XP which requires additional installation steps. Instructions on how to install
the driver are enclosed with the driver.