VPFlowScope M probe
© 2016 Van Putten Instruments BV | MAN-VP-SMPR-UK | Revision:1600 | Date:23-03-2016
The totalizer keeps track of the total consumed amount of compressed air in normal cubic meters,
normal liters per minute or in (M)(M)SCF depending on which unit you choose to read out. The
refresh interval is 1 second: Actual totalizer data will be available on the display and via the Modbus
interfaces. The totalizer value is written to it's internal memory with an interval of 15 minutes. A power
failure may result in maximum 15 minutes of totalizer data loss.
The transmitter features 2 totalizers, plus a combined totalizer. The first totalizer counter will count
up all positive flow, the second counter will count up all negative flow. The sum of these two totalizer
values is shown on the display. The display will show totalizer values up to 99.999.999,9 and will
then become 0,0. The totalizer will not be cleared and higher values will be available via Modbus and
VPStudio. Via Modbus, all three totalizers are available.
The totalizers can only be reset to zero, and will be reset all together. It's not possible to set them to
any different value.