Finding a suitable parking space
To ensure that a suitable parking space can
be displayed and detected correctly, the fol-
lowing prerequisites must be met:
— The length and width of the parking space
must be larger than the vehicle dimen-
sions and offer sufficient space for ma-
— The distance when driving past the park-
ing space should be around 1 m (3 feet).
Parking system displays in the
Infotainment system
The range of possible settings varies accord-
ing to the country, the device and the vehi-
cle's equipment specification.
The vehicle approaching an obstacle is dis-
played in several segments on the Infotain-
ment system and this is backed up by acous-
tic signals. The display may vary depending
on the situation.
The collision area has been reached when the
penultimate segment is displayed, if not be-
fore. Do not drive on!
All equipment and displays are described
without indicating whether the equipment is
optional or specific to the model type. The
systems available depend on the equipment
in the vehicle.
Menu for parking systems
Touch the
touch panel in dash panel to
open the menu with the parking systems in
the Infotainment system.
Open the setup for the parking sys-
General displays
Mute audio signals.
Adjust brightness, contrast and col-
Close current display and end func-
The following also applies to vehicles with
Park Distance Control
Switching Park Distance Control on
Switch to rear view camera system
Manoeuvre braking deactivated or
Red-coloured image segment: close
obstacle. Vehicle is at risk. Brake.
Yellow-coloured image segment: ob-
stacle in the vehicle path. Vehicle is at
risk. Adjust the steering wheel angle.
Grey-coloured image segment: obsta-
cle outside the path of the vehicle.
System fault in the monitored area
(depending on equipment level). The
colour may vary.
The following also applies to vehicles with
rear view camera system
Switch to perpendicular parking mode
Switch to crossing traffic parking
Switch to “Trailer support” or “Off-
road support” parking mode (country-
Red line: boundary or safety clearance
to vehicle.
Yellow lines: vehicle path depending
on the steering angle.
Green horizontal lines: boundaries.
General information about the parking systems