Front view
Connections and control of the LTE Wi-Fi router
The LTE Wi-Fi router basically operates autonomously. It is permanently supplied with voltage. Only the
switching on and off is controlled by the control unit for special vehicles J608 on the basis of the user request or
the switch-off conditions. To activate the LTE Wi-Fi router, the control unit for special vehicles J608 applies a
12 V signal to the LTE Wi-Fi router.
The LTE Wi-Fi router switches off as soon as the control unit for special vehicles J608 switches off its 12 V
output to control the LTE Wi-Fi router. If required, a continued operating time can be set in the router
The LTE Wi-Fi router has two LTE aerial connections, although only LTE 1-aerial connection is used. The LTE
aerial is located on the roof frame above the sliding door. When the battery isolator switch is turned off, the LTE
Wi-Fi router is no longer supplied with voltage (tl. 30a).
Mini SIM card slot
Micro SD card slot
Firmware reset
LED Internet (4G)
LED power
LTE 1-aerial connection
GNNS connection (not used)
LTE aerial
Terminal 30a
Terminal 31a
12 V, control
signal from
control unit for
special vehicles