SmartCrystal™ Cinema
Neo Dual
n ° : MUV1600178
Version : A01
Date : 10/05/2019
This document is the property of the Co VOLFONI and may not be reproduced or disclosed without permission
Software update
The latest software is available on Volfoni website to update your product.
How to use the software update:
Go to Volfoni website (
Choose the menu SERVICES/SUPPORT
Download the software VOLFONI LOADER (Windows or Mac)
Connect your computer to the system with the USB-A /USB-B
cable (cable supplied with your SmartCrystal™ Cinema Neo
Turn on your SmartCrystal™ Cinema Neo Dual
Verify that the software recognizes your system
Once the device is connected, press CHECK FOR UPDATE
Load the latest version if it’s not already on your SmartCrystal™ Cinema Neo Dual