Using the Asma-1™ Peak Flow Meter
What is the asma-1 peak flow meter?
The asma-1 peak flow meter is a small,
easy-to-use instrument that enables you
or your child to measure lung function at
home, at work, at school — wherever
you go. The peak flow meter measures
how fast a person can blow out air after
a maximum inhalation. It helps reveal
how well you or your child's lungs are
working. The asna-1 measures PEF.
This is the peak expiratory flow rate. In
addition, the asma-1 also measures
FEV1. This is the Forced Expiratory
Volume in the first second you exhale.
Many peak flow meters measure PEF,
but not FEV
. The asma-1 peak flow
meter measures both.
Why use an asma-1 peak flow meter?
People with asthma may not always feel the early changes taking
place in their airways because these changes often occur
gradually. In addition to watching for daytime symptoms, nighttime
symptoms and activity level the asma-1 meter can help you
monitor asthma control. A peak flow meter can be useful if you or
your child have moderate to severe asthma or have trouble
identifying asthma symptoms.
A daily (or regular) record of peak flow numbers can provide you
with a valuable early warning sign. Sometimes peak flow numbers
will decrease hours, or even a day or two before other asthma
symptoms become evident. When you monitor peak flow numbers
on a daily (or regular) basis, you can identify this drop and take
steps to prevent an asthma episode. The peak flow numbers,
along with watching for asthma symptoms and activity can be used
to make decisions about level of asthma control and treatment.