© 2020 Vital Systems, Inc
Screen Definitions
This tab contains run time info as well as DROs that will be used to set optimal cutting conditions.
THC Mode: a toggle button that will select either manual, digital, or analog mode for THC.
THC Enable: a toggle button that forces THC on. It should only be used in this way when turning the
torch on manually and cutting manually. Under normal conditions, THC is enabled when the torch is
on and it is turned off when the torch is off.
THC On: Arc OK and is associated with an LED.
Up/Down: buttons that control THC when in manual mode.
Target Voltage: the voltage Mach4 will maintain during digital or analog plasma operation.
*This will depend on the plasma unit. Refer to the plasma user manual pertaining to material
type and thickness.*
Adjust Rate: the speed at which THC will move to achieve Target Voltage.
XY Blend Velocity: equals the current blended velocity of X and Y; used for AntiDive.