Getting Started VC Smart Cameras
4.4 Generated File Structure on PC
The following file structure is generated after installation of Code Composer Studio and VC’s VCRT
and VCLIB libraries:
Send folder where
upload files are
saved. Please create
this folder for VCRT
Versions 5.11 and
older. This folder will
include ready to
upload test
programs from
VCRT5.20… PC Lib.
Batch files provided
for compilation with
different Library
versions (VCLIB2.0
or VCLIB 3.0)
“NewProjects” folder
containing project
files for different
compilation options
(see note below)
Demo Source Code
showing the use of
VC’s functions
Vision Components’
Include files, libraries and
macros under:
Compiling Code with different VCRT, VCLib or CCS Versions:
The “NewProjects” folder (under c:\ti\myprojects) includes several project files for compilation with
different VCRT and CCS versions. For example “new528_CCS3xr.pjt” includes the correct settings to
compile code with VCRT 5.28 and Code Composer Version 3.1 or 3.3. The appended “r” for instance
“new528_CCS3xr.pjt” means compilation of auto relocatable code – using this project file is
recommended for new projects. Selecting the corresponding libraries can be done by executing the
batch files provided under C:\Ti\myprojects.
Refer to section 4.6 and Appendix A for compiler setting changes for different VCRT & VCLIB PC
library versions and a software version history.
File conversion
functions and other
Demo -
Programs are
now devided
into different
Working directory including cc.cmd and ccr.cmd files,
cc.bat for DOS prompt compilation and the source code
of most Shell functions
1996-2011 Vision Components GmbH Ettlingen, Germany