Service instructions
for heating engineers
186 to 311ĂkW
Gas-fired condensing boiler
Please keep safe
Страница 1: ...VITOCROSSAL 300 Service instructions for heating engineers VitocrossalĂ300 typeĂCR3 186 to 311ĂkW Gas fired condensing boiler 5692Ă480ĂGBăăă9 2002 Please keep safe ...
Страница 2: ...ried out on parts that fulfil a safety function Use only original Viessmann spare parts or equivalent parts that have been approved by Viessmann Initial start up This must be carried out by the system installer or a commissioning engineer designated by him all actual values should be recorded in a commissioning service report Instructing the system user The system installer must hand the operating...
Страница 3: ... service documentsĂ 2 Initial start up inspection and maintenance StepsĂ 4 Further details of the individual stepsĂ 5 Parts listsĂ 18 Appendix Water quality requirementsĂ 24 Declaration of conformityĂ 25 Manufacturer s certificateĂ 25 Commissioning service reportĂ 26 5692Ă480ĂGB ...
Страница 4: ...eutralising system from the boiler and connecting the drain hoseĂ 8 M 10 Cleaning the combustion chamber heating surfacesĂ 9 I 11 Checking the boiler door thermal insulation and gaskets C I M 12 Checking all heating water connections and the sensor well for leaksĂ 10 C I 13 Checking the function of all safety equipmentĂ 11 C I M 14 Checking the expansion vessel and system pressureĂ 11 M 15 Cleanin...
Страница 5: ...essary Control unit installation and service instructions Filling the heating system with water and ventilating the system Record the fill volume of calcium hydrogen carbonate on pageĂ14 Please note Observe the Water quality requirements on pageĂ24 Fully opening the flue outlet damper and locking it open The damper must be in the horizontal position Please note For handling the damper see chapter ...
Страница 6: ... cleaning aperture on the flue outlet is closed 5 Open the gas main shut off valves 6 Switch on the mains isolator the heating circuit pump switch and the burner control switch in this order Burner manufacturer s operating instructions 7 Check the function of the neutralising system Neutralising system operating instructions 8 Check all gaskets seals and plugs for leaks and re tighten if necessary...
Страница 7: ...tem gas tight flue systems can create pulsation noises A change of resonance may be effected by rotating the damper fitted into the flue outlet 1 Loosen MĂ10 nutĂA in handleĂB of damperĂC 2 Adjust the handle until all pulsation noises have ceased the handle mirrors the damper position 3 Lock the damper with MĂ10 nutĂA 4 If necessary readjust the burner 5692Ă480ĂGB ...
Страница 8: ... not insert tools or other objects into the combustion chamber Separating the neutralising system from the boiler and connecting the drain hose 1 Pull hoseĂD to the neutralising system off stench trap plugĂE 2 Unscrew stench trap plugĂE from condensate drainĂF 3 Clean the inside of condensate drainĂF with a plastic brush 4 Connect drain hoseĂGĂto condensate drainĂFĂand run to a sewer 5692Ă480ĂGB ...
Страница 9: so please observe the following H Only use solvent free cleaning agents Ensure that no solvent enters between the heat exchanger and the thermal insulation H Remove soot deposits with alkaline agents containing surfactants e Ăg FauchĂ600 1 H Combustion residues may create thin yellow brown surface discolouration as well as hard deposits which may only become visible after removing the soot dep...
Страница 10: ...aks ĂSafety instructions Only open the heating water connections after the boiler has been depressurised Only drain the boiler with a vacuum pump when the boiler vent is open 1 Loosen the screws of top panelsĂHand remove the panels 2 Check sensor wellĂK and all heating water connections for leaks 3 Position the top panels and secure with screws 5692Ă480ĂGB ...
Страница 11: boiler protection A common expansion vessel can be used for any multi boiler systems The diaphragm expansion vessel must be able to hold the heating water expansion volume inside the boiler and provide a capacity of at least 35Ălitres This diaphragm expansion vessel reduces the frequency and severity of pressure fluctuations the service life of the pressure pump is improved and therefore the op...
Страница 12: ...0Ă ĂpStĂ Ăsupplement The supplement is subject to the settings of the high limit safety cut out Depending on the temperature settings the following supplements apply H 100ĂºC 0 2Ăbar H 110ĂºC 0 7Ăbar 2 If the inlet pressure of the diaphragm expansion vessel is lower than the value calculated acc to the adjacent formula top up with sufficient nitrogen to achieve this value 3 Re fill with water unti...
Страница 13: ... the individual steps cont Cleaning the sight glass in the boiler door Check gasketsĂL and hose connectionĂMĂfor leaks Closing the boiler door 1 Tighten the screws on the boiler door evenly and diagonally 2 Install the gas supply pipe and check for leaks 5692Ă480ĂGB ...
Страница 14: ...espective calcium hydrogen carbonate concentration Ca HCO3 2 into the table Fill water Top up water Meter reading Total water Concen tration Water treatment Date water m3 water m3 reading m3 water volume m3 tration Ca HCO3 2 mol m3 Medium Metering volume ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć ććććć Max fill volume Ă Ăm3 569...
Страница 15: ...lue cover for leaks Check flue cover gasketsĂN and those of clean out coverĂOĂfor leaks Please note Condensate and flue gas traces indicate leaks Checking the mixer for easy operation and leaks 1 Remove the motorised lever from the mixer handle 2 Check the mixer for easy operation 3 Check the mixer for leaks Replace the OĆring if the mixer leaks 4 Snap the motorised lever into place 5692Ă480ĂGB ...
Страница 16: ...nside of condensate drainĂF again with a plastic brush 3 Unscrew and flush bottom partĂP of stench trapĂE and clean the inlet connection of stench trapĂE with a brush 4 Mount stench trap plugĂEĂon condensate drainĂFĂand seal in if necessary 5 Fill bottom partĂP of the stench trap with water and fit to the stench trap ĂSafety instructions There is a risk of flue gas escaping if the stench trap is n...
Страница 17: ...s cont 8 Connect the supply to the neutralising system with hoseĂD to stench trapĂEĂ if necessary seal in and ensure the proper draining of the condensate to the sewer Burner adjustment Observe the burner manufacturer s instructions Service instructions MatriX radiant burner 5692Ă480ĂGB ...
Страница 18: ...209 Side panel ć top 210 Side panel ć bottom 211 Front l h rail 212 Front r h rail 213 Rear l h rail 214 Rear r h rail 216 Rear mounting bracket 217 Front insulating casing 218 Centre insulating casing 220 Front insulating mat 221 Double strain relief 222 VitocrossalĂ300 inscription 223 Edge protector 224 Rear insulating mat Parts not shown 021 Coding card 023 Flame tube seal 300 Insulating pack 3...
Страница 19: ...Parts lists Parts list cont 19 20 5692Ă480ĂGB B 201 217 202 220 218 205 221 222 200 204 210 209 022 210 209 224 211 208 212 216 214 221 203 213 216 206 223 223 207 A ...
Страница 20: ...Parts lists Parts list cont 21 22 5692Ă480ĂGB 020 018 015 015 016 007 021 013 009 017 013 014 010 012 011 005 005 006 004 001 002 003 008 ...
Страница 21: ...DNĂ80 006 Gasket DNĂ50 007 Boiler door incl itemsĂ009 011 012 013 014 015 016 and 017 008 Burner plate pack 009 Hinge bracket 010 Boiler door pin 011 Sight and test pipe cover 012 Sight glass incl gasket 013 Hose coupling nipple 014 Hose 015 Insulating mats 016 Insulating block 017 Packing GF Ă18Ămm 018 Packing GF Ă30Ă Ă25Ămm 020 Stench trap 021 Packing GF 9Ă Ă7Ămm 5692Ă480ĂGB ...
Страница 22: ... Max permissible volume of output carbonate concentration fill and top up water of the system Q Ca HCO3 2 of the fill Vmax and top up water ăĂ100ĂkWĂ ĂQ ĂxĂăĂ350ĂkW Ca HCO3 2ĂxĂ2 0Ămol m3 VmaxĂ m3 Ă Ăthree times ăĂ350ĂkWĂ ĂQ ĂxĂ1Ă000ĂkW Ca HCO3 2ĂxĂ1 5Ămol m3 the system volume or calculation Vmax as below 1Ă000ĂkWĂ ĂQ ććć Vmax m3 Ă 1 0 0313Ă Ă Q Ă kW Ca HCO3 2Ă molńm3 1Apply this equation for heat...
Страница 23: ...EEC 89 336 EEC 90 396 EEC as follows _Ć0085 In addition this boiler meets the requirements of all current TRD regulations The declaration of conformity for the gas pressure jet burner is contained in the burner manufacturer s documentation Manufacturer s certificate acc to 1st BlmSchV We Viessmann Werke GmbHĂ ĂCo DĆ35107 Allendorf confirm that the following product exceeds the utilisation ratio of...
Страница 24: report Initial start up Maintenance Service Maintenance Service date by Maintenance Service Maintenance Service Maintenance Service date by Maintenance Service Maintenance Service Maintenance Service date by Maintenance Service Maintenance Service Maintenance Service date by Maintenance Service Maintenance Service Maintenance Service date by 5692Ă480ĂGBăăăSubject to technical modifications Pri...