PIX 270i User Guide and Technical Information
Appendix A - Suppor
ted F
Appendix A - Supported Files
The PIX 270i supports the playback of various QuickTime .mov and Broadcast Wave .wav files. The
PIX 270i will playback any file that it generates. Additionally, the PIX 270i can playback QuickTime
and Broadcast Wave files generated by other 3rd party recorders/applications.
The PIX 270i will import and playback up to 64 channels of polyphonic or monophonic Broadcast
Wave files.
The PIX 270i will import and playback High Definition QuickTime ProRes and DNxHD files gener-
ated by Avid and Final Cut Pro (currently tested with Avid 6 and Final Cut Pro 7 and X). 720 x 486
NTSC Standard Definition files are also supported.
720 x 480 NTSC Standard Definition files are not supported.
The PIX 270i supports up to 64 Tracks of audio in a QuickTime file. When exporting the QuickTime
file for PIX 270i playback be certain to use only 2 audio streams (PIX 270i can handle up to 64 audio
tracks over one QuickTime audio stream).