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Safe Work Procedure
Quad Bike-Operation (SWP-083)
Scope/ description of job
Operation of a quad bike including preparation, transport, use, loading and towing.
Critical safety issues
Potential hazard/risk
A quad bike is a ‘body-interactive’
vehicle that is inclined to rollover
when its centre of gravity is
Determine if a quad bike is the safest vehicle for the task to be
done and the conditions in which it is to be used. Avoid the
use of quad bikes where possible.
Be aware the risk of rollover increases when traversing
slopes, travelling at high speeds, towing implements, carrying
heavy or unstable loads and when tyres are under or
unevenly inflated.
Only trained and competent persons to use quad bikes.
There are inherent dangers
associated with quad bikes when
operated at speed, particularly on
rough terrain or slopes.
Drive according to the terrain, conditions, user experience and
at a speed that enables hazards or obstructions to be
Refer to:
section 8.3 for more information.
Potential exposure to adverse
environmental conditions while
undertaking task.
Take environmental conditions into consideration when
planning work activities. Wear PPE and clothing appropriate
for the environment/ climatic conditions.
Materials, plant, equipment relevant to SWP
Four wheel drive vehicle and SOI
Trailer and ramps
Quad bike
Fuel and funnel
Quad Bike SOI & Operator Manual
First Aid Kit
Helmet complying with AS 1698-2006
Communications equipment
– mobile/radio
Competencies and licenses relevant to SWP
4WD accreditation
Familiarity with quad bike operator manual
Quad bike training and accreditation
First aid accreditation
Competency in quad bike operation
Competency in use of communications equipment
Manual handling training and awareness
List of PPE relevant
Helmet complying with AS 1698-2006
Eye protection
– helmet visor or bike goggles
– safety boots as per
departmental standard
Hearing protection
– earplugs or muffs if quad bike
operation is rated above 85 decibels
High visibility clothing
Gloves appropriate to task and prevailing conditions