This Quick Start Guide is intended for experienced installing technicians. It is a basic reference to ensure all connections are properly made.
It is for models VAX-CR-35L-OSDP and VAX-CSR-6.2-OSDP. For additional information please refer to Vicon's website www.vicon-security.com.
1.0 Introduction
A key component of a physical security electronic access control
system, a mobile-ready reader combining BLE and contactless
smartcard technologies is based on RFID technology. In operation it is
capable of reading data stored on a contactless smartcard credential
via high frequency—or reading data from mobile credential stored in a
smartphone’s wallet app via BLE technology—and without physical
contact, and then passing the data obtained to the physical access
control system. Access control systems typically manage and record
the movement of individuals through a protected area, such as a
locked door.
2.0 Mounting Provisions
Each reader may be installed either indoors or outdoors. Mounting
options shown in the table below. Use supplied #6 mounting screws,
or equivalent security screws, for installation.
Mullion Mount
Single-Gang Wall Mount*
Plastic or metal
3.0 Cable Requirements
Cable, 4 conductor, 22 or 24 AWG [65 mm or 51 mm] twisted pair,
over-all shield and UL approved (Belden 8273, or equivalent).
Maximum bus length: 4,000 ft – 24 AWG (1,219 m)
Maximum distance between: 1,640 ft – 24 AWG (500 m)
4.0 Reader Wiring
Twisted Pair
Pair 1
DC (8-14 VDC)
Pair 2
RS-485 Tx+
RS-485 Tx-
5.0 Output Formats
The SIA standard OSDP protocol is supported for clear and secure
channel communication.
Default Address: 0
Default Baud rate: 9600bps (bits per second)
Default Secure Channel Key:
SCBK_D = 0x303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F.
OSDP Protocol Technical Support:
SIA OSDP Application Profile: Basic Reader (OSDP v2.2 and higher)
6.0 Grounding
Shield (drain) continuity must run from the reader to the access panel.
Shield (drain) and reader ground must be tied together at the access
panel and connect to an earth ground at one point.
7.0 Power
Reader may be powered by the access panel. A linear power supply is
recommended for best operation.
8.0 Voltage and Current
Voltage: 8 to 14 VDC
Current Draw: 60mA typical, 250mA peak
9.0 Read Mode
Reader (OSDP “PD”) operation is controlled by the access panel
(OSDP “ACU”) per the OSDP specification.
10.0 Connection
Connection must be done in accordance with NFPA 70. Do not
connect to a receptacle controlled by a switch. Connect to a power
limited DC voltage source.
11.0 Troubleshooting
1. When the reader is first powered on it will beep 4-times, and the
LED will shine red.
2. Presenting a supported access credential will result in the reader
beeping and the LED flashing once.
3. Mobile operation is optimized for smartphones supporting BLE
(Bluetooth LE) version 4.2 or newer. Further, for the downloading of
mobile access credentials, a stable, high-quality internet
connection is recommended.
4. OSDP communications with the panel will be established after the
reader has completed its start-up sequence. The panel can query
the reader for status using OSDP commands. Note, at this point,
the access panel controls the reader beeper and LED functionality.
If the reader does not recognize the card or tag (no beep, no LED
flash), refer to possibe OSDP communications errors detected at the
access control panel. Please see the table on reverse side for
additional possible causes and solutions.
Quick Installation Guide
Mobile-Ready Contactless Smartcard Readers with OSDP Support