Screen Layout and Navigation
139187 / Rev. 500
RGS-2000NG TCAS Test Set Operation Manual
September 2021
Subject to Export Control. See Cover Page for details.
Page 143
Transponder Interrogation Table (Definition) Screen
This screen is used to define the Transponder Interrogation Table. By default, the Interrogation Table
always contains at least one interrogation.
Transponder Screen > Transponder Test Softkey > Test Mode: Interrogation Table > Interrogation
Table (Definition) Softkey
F i g u r e 1 . 2 . 3 - 1 2 5 T r a n s p o n d e r I n t e rr o g a t i o n T a b l e ( D e f i n i t i o n ) S c r e en
Screen Components
System assigned when interrogations are added or deleted from the
interrogation table.
Displays the message name. This field is defined using the Message
Name Menu on the softkey menu.
Displays the frame data defined for each interrogation. Frame Data is
edited on the
Interrogation Table Frame Details Screen (Section
Enable (Interrogation)
Enables/Disables the interrogati on of the selected table entry.
Enabled/disabled using the Enable Toggle Switch on the Softkey Menu.
Sync (Select)
Selects the table entry for synchronization. The measured UUT values
will be obtained from the reply associated with the interrogation
selected for synchronization.
Enabled/disabled using the Sync Toggle Switch on the Softkey Menu.
Power Field
Displays the power level of the interrogation. This value is defined using
the Power Level field on the softkey menu.
Add Softkey
Allows user to add an interrogation to the table.
Remove Softkey
Deletes the selected interrogation from the table.