Installation instructions thruster RIM DRIVE 250 mm
6 .2 Charging facility
The common on-board charging systems are either 12 Volt or 24 Volt.
A ‘converter’ is required when charging the 48 V battery set with the
available on-board voltage.
12 Volt
24 Volt
48 Volt
Electrical installation
6 .1 Choice of battery
The total battery capacity must be compatible with the size of the
‘RimDrive’ and the intended use, see table.
We recommend Vetus maintenance-free batteries, which are avail-
able in the following capacities: 55 Ah, 70 Ah, 90 Ah, 108 Ah, 120 Ah,
143 Ah, 165 Ah, 200 Ah and 225 Ah.
We would also recommend the use of a separate set of batteries for
the/each ‘RimDrive’. Placing the batteries as close to the ‘RimDrive’ as
possible will result in shorter main power supply cables. In this way,
any power loss associated with long cables can be avoided.
for the suggested battery capacity .
Be sure to only use ‘sealed’ batteries if the batteries are located
in the same compartment as the bow thruster .
The Vetus ‘SMF’ and ‘AGM’ maintenance-free batteries are ideally
suited to this application.
Batteries that are not ‘sealed’ may produce small amounts of ex-
plosive gas during the charging cycle.
Always use batteries of the same type, capacity and state of service.
We can also supply a fuse holder for all the fuses, Vetus art. code:
See page
for the size of the fuse to be used.
Main power fuse 2
In the connection unit, there is
a main power fuse on the con-
This fuse must be main-
tained at all times .
Fuse 250A
+48 V
The maximum operating time and the thrust, as specified by
the technical details in your bow thruster installation and op-
erating manual, are based on the recommended battery ca-
pacities and battery connection cables .
see diagram page
The main switch must be fitted to the ‘posi-
tive cable’.
The Vetus battery switch type BATSW250 is
a suitable switch.
The BATSW250 is also available in a 2-pole
version, Vetus art. code BATSW250T.
6 .4 Fuses
Make sure that no other electric components come loose
when connecting electric cables .
Check all electric connections after 14 days . Changes in tem-
perature can cause electric components (e .g . bolts and nuts)
to come loose .
6 .3 Main switch
6 .5 Main power cables (battery cables)
The minimum diameter and battery capacity must be sufficient for
the bow thruster’s current draw in use. Consult the table on page
for the correct values.
Main power fuse 1, see diagram
In addition to the main switch and
main relay, a 250 A fuse must be fit-
ted to the ‘positive’ cable. Vetus art.
code: ZE250.
6 .6 Connecting the main power cables
Connect the positive (+) cable of the battery and connect the nega-
tive (-) cable directly to the bow thruster. Consult the diagram on
for instructions.
• Remove the lid by unscrewing the bolts.
• Connect the main power cables.
The fuse will protect the bow thruster from overloading and provide
short circuit protection for the on-board power net.
When replacing the fuse, the replacement must be of the same
capacity .
Before the lid is put back the sachet
of silica gel must be taken out of
the package and placed inside the
terminal box.
Affect of the controller by conden-
sation is so prevented.