NetSure™ 5100 Series -48 VDC Power System User Manual (UM582137200)
Rev. G
connections for binary inputs and programmable relay outputs via a controller interface board. The controller
also supports rectifier temperature compensation if the system is equipped with a temperature probe(s).
Temperature probe(s) may also be designated to monitor ambient temperature and/or battery temperature.
The controller also provides data acquisition, system alarm management, and advanced battery and energy
management. The controller contains a color TFT display and keypad for local access. The controller provides
an Ethernet port and comes with comprehensive webpages for remote access. The controller has optional
SNMP v3 capability for remote system management. The controller supports software upgrade via its USB port.
Refer to the NCU Controller Instructions (UM1M830BNA) for more information.
Rectifier Modules
The system contains rectifier modules, which provide load power, battery float current, and battery recharge
current during normal operating conditions. Refer to the Rectifier Instructions (UM1R482000e3) for more
Distribution Unit
Various distribution unit options are available. See SAG582137200 for descriptions. The distribution unit can
be equipped with an optional Low Voltage Battery Disconnect (LVBD) or Low Voltage Load Disconnect (LVLD)
contactor. The distribution unit provides DC distribution through circuit breakers and/or fuses.
Controller and Rectifier
For operation instructions on these units, refer to the following documents.
NCU Controller Instructions (UM1M830BNA)
The controller’s default “User Name” is "admin" and the default “Password” is “640275”.
Rectifier Instructions (UM1R482000e3)
ESTOP Function
If an ESTOP switch is wired to the IB2-1 Controller Interface Board, customer-furnished system ground applied
to terminal DI8+ activates the ESTOP function. The ESTOP function shuts down and locks out the rectifiers
and opens the optional low voltage disconnect (LVD) contactors (battery and load type). If the system has
battery connected and does not contain a battery LVD or the controller power option is set to Battery Pwr
(jumper J4 on the system interface board is set to Battery Pwr), the controller will remain operational. If the
system does not contain battery or load LVD(s) and has battery connected, the loads will be sustained by the
battery voltage.
For Systems NOT Containing a Battery LVD: When the ESTOP signal is removed, LVD contactors (battery and
load type) will close after the “LVD Reconnect Delay” has elapse (customer configurable via the controller) if
battery voltage is present on the bus. Rectifiers will remain off. The rectifiers will restart when the input power
is removed and restored after 30 seconds or more (until the LEDs on the modules extinguish).
For Systems Containing a Battery LVD: When the ESTOP signal is removed, LVD contactors (battery and load
type) will remain open. Rectifiers will remain off. The rectifiers will restart when the input power is removed and
restored after 30 seconds or more (until the LEDs on the modules extinguish). When the rectifiers restart, LVD
contactors (battery and load type) will close after the “LVD Reconnect Delay” has elapse (customer
configurable via the controller).