Vehicle Setup: Configure the DeltaQuad's
Analyze Tools: Download logs, geotag images from a survey mission, access the mavlink console.
Application Settings: Configure the QGroundControl application. Please refer to the
Status icons
Arm status: Displays and controls current armed status.
Flight mode: Displays the current flight mode, when clicked it offers control over the flight mode.
Note: The DeltaQuad is designed to operate in the following flight modes:
Position (only when joysticks activated)
Other flight modes are not supported and should not be activated.
Notifications: Click to show a dropdown of messages from the vehicle. This will change to a Yield sign if
there are critical messages.
GPS Status: Displays current GPS satellite link information.
RC Status: RC signal strength information, only applicable when using a traditional transmitter.
Battery status: Displays remaining percentage and additional information when clicked.
Planning a mission
The DeltaQuad has been designed to fly autonomously, this is achieved by planning and executing
missions. Missions are set through the Ground Control Station. They can be created and sent to the vehicle
directly, loaded from an existing mission plan, or saved to a mission plan. This section covers the basics of
planning a mission for the DeltaQuad. For advanced usage of the mission planning features please review