Coupling nut
Quick links (2)
Compatible Software
for a list of software compatible with the
Go Direct Structures & Materials Tester.
Refer to the Go Direct Structures & Materials Tester Assembly Instructions that
are shipped with the product. These are also available online at
Getting Started
Please see the following link for platform-specific connection information:
Bluetooth Connection
1. Install Graphical Analysis™ 4 on your computer, mobile device, or
Chromebook™. See www.vernier.com/ga4 for software availability.
2. Charge your Go Direct Structures & Materials Tester for at least 8 hours
before first use.
3. Turn on your Go Direct Structures & Materials Tester by pressing the power
button once. The Bluetooth
LED will blink red.
4. Launch Graphical Analysis 4.
5. Click or tap Sensor Data Collection.
6. Click or tap your Go Direct Structures & Materials Tester from the list of
Discovered Wireless Devices. Your sensor's ID is located near the barcode
on the sensor. The Bluetooth LED will blink green when it is successfully
7. The active channel is listed in the Connected Devices Sensor Channels list.
To change channels, select the check box next to the Sensor Channel(s) you
would like to activate.
8. Click or tap Done to enter data-collection mode.
Charging the Structures & Materials Tester Battery
Connect the Go Direct Structures & Materials Tester to the included Micro USB
Cable and any USB device for eight hours.
You can also charge Go Direct Structures & Materials Tester using our Go
Direct Charge Station, sold separately (order code: GDX-CRG).
Orange LED next to battery icon is solid while
sensor is charging.
Fully charged
Green LED next to battery icon solid when
sensor is fully charged.
Go Direct
& Materials Tester
(Order Code GDX-VSMT)
Test bridges, structures, and beams as part of an
engineering design activity with Go Direct Structures
& Materials Tester. Use the Structures & Materials
Tester, along with the engineering design process, to
design, build, and test structures, conduct bridge
competitions, and investigate and analyze beam
designs and properties of materials.
The Structures & Materials Tester is equipped with a force sensor (rated to
1000 N) and an encoder to measure displacement (1 µm resolution). Using both
sensors, you can record maximum loads, as well as load versus displacement
characteristics, so students can evaluate deflection, stress, and strain.
The crossbars of the Tester are designed to easily slide and secure into position.
With rulers located on the Tester, you can accurately position the support beams
for center or off-center loading.
The Tester is equipped with a well-outfitted VSMT Tackle Kit. The Kit
provides a variety of means to quickly and easily connect the load cell to
materials, beams, and structures for testing. The VSMT Tackle Kit is also sold as
an accessory kit (order code VSMT-TK). A second Kit may be useful in cases
where large numbers of structures are being tested in a short period of time, such
as during bridge competitions.
Vernier products are designed for educational use. Our products are not
designed nor are they recommended for any industrial, medical, or commercial
process such as life support, patient diagnosis, control of a manufacturing
process, or industrial testing of any kind.
What's Included
The testing device with force and displacement sensors
Micro USB Cable
Allen wrench
A VSMT Tackle Kit with hardware to connect bridges, structures, and
materials to the tester. This includes
50 × 50 mm × 6 mm aluminum load plate
50 × 80 mm × 6 mm aluminum load plate
12-inch threaded rod
8-inch threaded rod
6.5 inches of chain
Small U-bolt
Large U-bolt
Eyebolts (2)