Gas Sensor
(Order Code CO2-BTA)
The Vernier CO
Gas Sensor measures gaseous
carbon dioxide levels by monitoring the amount of
infrared radiation absorbed by carbon dioxide
The sensor has two ranges: Low (0–10,000 ppm) and High (0–100,000 ppm).
Students can use the CO
Gas Sensor to measure the change in carbon dioxide
levels for a variety of systems, including
A chamber containing small living things such as crickets, worms, or
germinating seeds
A terrarium of plants undergoing respiration and photosynthesis cycles
A classroom
An enclosed atmosphere containing sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide
as CO
The chemical reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium bicarbonate
Carbon dioxide gas diffusing through a gas diffusion tube
Fermentation or respiration of sugars
Human respiration under various conditions (at rest
after exercise)
Vernier products are designed for educational use. Our products are not
designed nor are they recommended for any industrial, medical, or commercial
process such as life support, patient diagnosis, control of a manufacturing
process, or industrial testing of any kind.
What's Included
Gas Sensor
250 mL gas sampling bottle (Nalgene bottle with lid)
Compatible Software and Interfaces
for a list of interfaces and software
compatible with the CO
Gas Sensor.
Getting Started
1. Connect the sensor to the interface (LabQuest Mini, LabQuest 2, etc.).
2. Start the appropriate data-collection software (Logger
, Logger Lite,
LabQuest App) if not already running, and choose New from File menu.
The software will identify the sensor and load a default data-collection setup.
If you are collecting data using a Chromebook™, mobile device such as iPad
Android™ tablet, or a Vernier wireless sensor or interface, please see the following
link for up-to-date connection information:
Using the Product
1. Set the range switch on the sensor.
2. Connect the sensor following the steps in the Getting Started section of this
user manual.
The following includes additional important information about the
Gas Sensor.
Allow the CO
Gas Sensor to warm up for about 90 seconds before collecting
data. During warmup, the readings will be very low.
The CO
Gas Sensor is sensitive to high humidity. Do not use it in a
condensing environment.
Most experiments will use the Low range (0–10,000 ppm). The High range
would be appropriate when measuring human respiration as expired air is
typically 40,000–60,000 ppm CO
The CO
Gas Sensor is somewhat sensitive to temperature changes. In most
cases, variations in CO
readings due to temperature changes are small
(<100 ppm on Low range, <1000 ppm on High range). The sensor is designed
to operate between 20 and 30°C. It can be used outside of this temperature
range; however, the readings will be less accurate, even if you calibrate the
sensor at the lower or higher temperature. With good experimental design, the
variation in CO
readings due to a temperature change will be negligible
compared to the overall change in CO
concentration. If an entire experiment
is to be conducted at a constant temperature, you could improve the accuracy
of the readings by calibrating the sensor at that temperature. This does not
prohibit taking readings using incubation temperatures or outdoor readings at
temperatures warmer or colder than the 20 to 30°C range. Allow enough time
for your CO
Gas Sensor to stabilize at the desired operating temperatures.
The CO
Gas Sensor refreshes its reading every second, but typical changes in
experiments are so gradual that the recommended sampling rate is 4 seconds
per sample or slower. Gas must diffuse through the holes in the sensor tube
before the sensor detects any changes in concentration. Because diffusion of
gases is a slow process, there can be delays in the readings.
To collect data in a controlled environment, it is recommended that you use
the 250 mL gas sampling bottle that is included with your sensor.
To collect data simultaneously with the CO
Gas Sensor and O
Gas Sensor, it
is recommended that you purchase either the BioChamber 250 (250 mL
capacity) or the BioChamber 2000 (2 L capacity). Each BioChamber has a
second opening with a grommet so that you can insert two probes at once.
Because the sensor operates on the basis of reading IR radiation, you should
avoid using the sensor in direct sunlight as much as possible. Even though the
IR detector is shielded, it is best to avoid the possibility of reflected light
affecting the readings by keeping the sensor in the shade when used outdoors.
Best results are obtained when only one CO
Gas Sensor is connected to an
interface at a time. The current draw from two or more CO
Gas Sensors
connected to the same interface can cause erroneous data.
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