There are two main types of emergency stop buttons:
• Emergency stop button with a twist-release mechanism which latches in the activated position
• Emergency stop button with a push-pull mechanism which remains pushed in
To reset the latching type of an emergency stop button, twist the button in the direction of an
arrow in the mushroom head. The rotating movement releases the latch and allows the button
to spring out to the normal reset position.
Figure 3. Emergency stop button with twist-release mechanism
To reset the push-pull type emergency stop button, pull the button manually outwards to the
normal reset position. The push-pull type emergency stop button is an emergency stop button
that does not have a rotation arrow sign on the button head.
Figure 4. Emergency stop button with push-pull mechanism
Restarting the equipment and the operation controls is possible only after the emergency stop
button has been reset to the normal reset position.
Main isolation switch
You can only operate the product when power is turned on. The owner must identify and
document the location and function of the main isolation switch and communicate this
information to all operators.
Only operate the product if you know the location of the main isolation switch.
Even though one switch is turned off, there may still be voltage present in some parts of
the product. The voltage can result in exposure to electric shocks, which could lead to
death or serious injury.
Be aware of the main isolation switch functionality.
Turning off the main isolation switch causes sudden loss of power. The sudden loss of
power could cause the load to swing, which could lead to death, serious injury, or
damage to the product or load.
Avoid turning off the main isolation switch during load movement.
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otherwise employed in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of Verlinde S.A.S. Copyright 2020
© Verlinde S.A.S. All rights reserved.