Used as an end vise, the Veritas
Twin-Screw Vise is very
versatile. It can, and should, have vertical dog holes drilled
on the top face of the front jaw and corresponding dog holes
on the top of your bench for clamping large objects or for
panel gluing. Holes can also be drilled horizontally in the
side faces of the front jaw and corresponding holes along the
side of your bench to clamp objects such as doors for planing.
The dog holes in the front jaw should be counterbored 1
by 2
deep from the bottom of the jaw. This will allow you to
reach under and push the dog above the surface, if it should
slip under. On account of the relatively tall front jaw (6
the dog holes may have to be drilled from the top side, in the
same position as the counterbores in the bottom side.
Vertical dog holes drilled along the top of your bench can be
used in conjunction with Veritas
Round Bench Dogs, Bench
or Wonder Dog
Clamps, and Bench Hold-Down.
holes should be drilled. Horizontal holes drilled in the
front jaw and corresponding holes drilled horizontally in the
bench skirt will enable you to clamp large panels or doors for
planing, etc.
If you are the kind of person who only looks at instruction sheets
something goes wrong, this is one product where you should mend your
ways. If you ignore these instructions, we can almost guarantee trouble.
Please try to save all your innovative design urges until after you
have installed the vise. As a bare minimum, at least read through the
instructions before you start being creative.
The two easiest ways to screw up are:
By drilling holes in the wrong place and at an angle.
By using warped wood with the intention of straightening it out
with bolts, screws and brute force later.
It isn’t a lot of fun to follow instructions exactly but this is one time
when it will save you a lot of grief.
Boards glued up on top surface
between round bench dogs.
Large panel or
door clamped
along the
side of your
workbench using
drilled holes in a
skirt and round
bench dogs.
Twin-Screw Vise
Vise with standard-length cover (for center-to-center screw distance up to 16
) 05G12.21
Vise with long cover (for center-to-center screw distance up to 24
) 05G12.22
U.S. Patent Nos. 5,301,934 & 5,284,331
Made in Canada