The Veritas
Jointer Blade Sharpener will jig planer and jointer knives
and hand plane blades up to 8
in width with bevel angles from 25°
to 45°. Sharpening and adding a micro-bevel to wide blades is easy,
repeatable and accurate when using the jointer blade sharpener.
A half sheet of 15 micron, pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA)
backed silicon carbide micro-abrasive is included with your jointer
blade sharpener. Applied to a fl at surface, it will quickly sharpen
jointer blades. However, other abrasive sheets may be used, such
as chromium oxide or diamond. Sharpening may even be done on a
traditional bench stone (see
Additional Tips, Using a Bench Stone
Prepare the Lapping Surface
The PSA-backed micro-abrasive sheet must be applied to a fl at
lapping surface. The infeed or outfeed table of your jointer, or a piece
(or thicker) plate glass, is recommended. For greater safety,
we offer a
thick, 8
× 14
tempered glass plate (05M20.12).
Thoroughly clean the glass (or other true surface) before applying
the abrasive sheet. If you are applying the sheet to glass, create a
thin fi lm of water on the glass. This allows you to adjust the position
of the sheet before sticking it down. Position the sheet at one end of
the glass plate so that it covers the full width. To prevent air or water
bubbles from becoming entrapped, either roll a dowel or draw the
edge of a piece of wood across the sheet (working from the center)
to bond it in place.
Do not use water to apply the micro-abrasive sheet to steel, cast
iron, or any other rust-prone surface. Instead, to prevent air bubbles
from becoming entrapped, make initial contact with one edge of the
sheet. Progressively lay the sheet down, using a straightedge as a
Jointer Blade Sharpener