Subject: VV-B120 Users Guide
Venteville B.V. - The Netherlands
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© Venteville B.V. 2020
VV-B120 Telephone
Users Guide
Adjustment to the telephone central unit.
Dependent of the type of the telephone central unit, the signal
push button R, can be selected for different functions.
Function adjustment of the signal button
As follow:
Picking up the receiver and wait for the dialling tone.
Enter button.
3. Press button number 1.
4. Enter code number 000 by pushing buttons.
5. Enter repeat button.
6. Set code as mentioned below
Different possibilities:
Code 033 Function Earth by "Pulse" central unit.
Code 036 Function Earth by "Tone" central unit
Code 037 Function Flashhook by "Tone" central unit.
7. Enter set button.
8. Replace the receiver.