The Vent-A-Garage System
MODEL VG100 - Single Car Garage Door System
The Vent A Garage Draws in Cooler Outside Air while Expelling Hot, Humid Air
Removes Excess Heat from the Garage
- Reduces Air Conditioning demand by lowering heat
from the walls of an attached Garage. Provides a more comfortable work environment. A change
you will notice right away!
Reduces Humidity from Garage Interior
- Increases comfort. Reduces moisture and mildew.
Reduces rusting of tools and equipment.
Reduces Fumes and Odors
- Greatly reduces Gasoline, Auto exhaust, turpentine, paint thinner,
and other vapors from the garage that can be unpleasant and harmful. Also reduces odor from
garbage, fertilizer and pesticides.
Maintains Security
- Uses two small holes thru the garage door. No large openings needed for
window fans that may provide entrance to intruders.
Energy Efficient
- Uses only 22 watts during operation.