Thank you for purchasing the Velocitek S5 GPS Race Computer!
The S5 can provide you with the following information:
Current speed in knots
Upwind and downwind velocity made good (VMG) in knots
Absolute maximum speed in knots
Fastest 10 second average speed in knots
Turning the S5 on for the first time
Open the waterproof case and turn on the S5 using the black plastic switch. Make sure that you are looking
at the LCD display when you activate the switch.
When you first activate the switch, the display will show a number between 0 and 99 for about 3 seconds.
This represents the amount of energy left in the device’s batteries. 99 represents fresh batteries and 0
represents dead ones.
The display will then switch to showing the letters “rE” for reset. Wait for 3 seconds and the display will
start flashing “00”
Place the device outdoors with a clear view of the sky for 15 minutes. This allows the device to download
the information it needs to operate from Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. While the information
is being downloaded the display will blink “00”. After the initial download, this procedure only needs to
be repeated when the batteries are changed. This device will not work indoors, in built-up urban areas or