Argus Encoder Family Version 2.6 API Developer’s Guide
System Configuration Settings
is simply a function call. Usually this function performs an operation,
then returns a status code. Each of the fully supported Filter Manager methods
is defined in this manual. The definition includes a description of the operation
that the method performs as well as a list of the possible return values. Be sure
to check the return value of any method that you call before proceeding with the
encoding process.
Similar to a C++ class data member, a
has a value or a setting.
Typically the value of a property can be set by calling a specific
exposed by the Filter Manager interface. Likewise, its value can be retrieved with
method. However, beginning with version 2.3, we concentrate more on the
Windows Registry and less on COM properties to set and retrieve encoding
parameters. In fact, Filter Manager now exposes just five fully supported proper-
ties (see “Filter Manager Interface Properties,” page 24).
The Secondary (Outgoing) Interface
Through its outgoing interface, the Filter Manager component implements
An event is a COM mechanism that allows the component to send messages to
the calling application. Filter Manager uses events to issue Log messages, Error
messages, Pause/Resume messages, and Finished messages to the client applica-
tion. The client can register to receive these messages, at your discretion.
The remainder of this chapter describes techniques of setting encoding parame-
ters for the Argus encoder. Additionally, it defines and describes each of the basic
encoding commands exposed through the primary Filter Manager interface.
System Configuration Settings
During the initialization process, the Filter Manager
checks the Win-
dows Registry to determine if two specific standard components should be
loaded: one that controls the CineViewPro decoder and another that controls a
VTR. Typically, you will use Argus software to control your tape deck. However,
you may configure your application to bypass the Argus VTR-control software
or to run without the CineView Pro decoder. Spectrum users should note that the
Argus Spectrum
be configured to run with the CineView Pro decoder.
The Windows Registry table
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Vela Research\
Broadcast Argus\EncoderConfig
has two keys, “DecoderInstalled” and “VtrIn-
stalled,” both of which have default values of 1. To disable the CineView Pro
decoder (for non-Spectrum users), change the value of the DecoderInstalled key
to 0 before running your application. Likewise, to disable the Argus VTR soft-
ware, change the value of the VtrInstalled key to 0. Again, for proper operation,