Quick Start
Plan your Veet Infini’Silk™ Pro hair removal treatments for best results.
Treatments 1-4 – plan two weeks apart
Treatments 5-7 – plan four weeks apart
Treatments 8 + – treat as needed, until desired results are achieved.
Set up Veet Infini’Silk™ Pro!
1. Remove Veet Infini’Silk™ Pro Pulse Light Technology Device and other components
from the box.
2. Verify that the LAMP CARTRIDGE for legs and body is inserted properly at the tip
of the device. If you would like to use the smaller, precision lamp cartridge for use
on upper lip, cheek, or chin, follow the replacement instructions.
3. Plug the ADAPTOR cord into the Veet Infini’Silk™ Pro HAIR REMOVAL DEVICE socket.
4. Plug the ADAPTOR into an electrical outlet. The STAND BY INDICATOR LIGHT will
turn on.
Your Veet Infini’Silk™ Pro is now ready to start.
Congratulations on your Veet Infini’Silk™ Pro purchase.
As Veet Infini’Silk™ Pro is a powerful device, it should be used with special attention to
safety. Please read the entire user manual before using the product, and adhere to the
instructions regarding additional conditions that may warrant safety precautions and
• Only use this product on lighter skin tones. Do not use Veet Infini’Silk™ Pro on
naturally dark skin.
• Do not use on tanned skin or immediately after sun exposure.
• Do not use on permanent make-up or tattooed skin areas.
• Keep away from your eyes!
Note! Veet Infini’Silk™ Pro may not be effective on naturally white and light hair.