Site Prep - International Installations
This document describes the procedures necessary to prepare the site, ready for the installation of the Veeder–Root TLS
Series Underground Storage Tank Monitoring Systems.
This manual does
cover the site preparation necessary for the installation of Veeder–Root Delivery Information
Systems (DIS). For information on these products please refer to the relevant manuals for DIS-500, DIS-100, DIS-50,
and DIS-T systems.
Veeder–Root maintains a continuous process of product development and therefore product specifications may not be as
described in this manual. Please contact the Veeder-Root office nearest you, or visit our website at
information on new or updated products. Changes affecting products or procedures described in this manual will be
reported in subsequent revisions. Veeder–Root has taken every care in the compilation of this manual; however it is the
installers' responsibility to take every precaution to safeguard themselves and others.
Every person working with Veeder–Root equipment is expected to take every safety precaution possible and to have read
this manual, particularly the sections referring to health and safety.
Deviation from the specifications contained in this manual can result in rework, delays in system installation and
additional installation charges.
Contractors are advised to contact their nearest Veeder–Root office where local conditions may preclude using the
specifications contained in this manual.
Veeder–Root require that certain facilities are installed by contractors, nominated by the customer, prior to Veeder–Root
attending the site for the installation of a TLS-IB system. These facilities vary dependent on the installation contract
agreed between Veeder–Root and the customer. Two levels of site preparation exist and are described below:
Level 1 Installation
The customer or his elected contractor will supply (unless stated otherwise) and install the following:
Console power supply and earth.
External devices power supply and cabling.
Peripheral devices cabling.
Probe cable ducting
Probe field cables
Probe risers
The contractor will seal all ducting after system testing has been carried out.
Level 2 Installation
The contractor will install the following:
TLS-IB power supply and earth
External devices power supply and cabling
Probe cable ducting
The contractor will seal all ducting after system testing has been carried out.