This manual describes site preparation and installation procedures for the following consoles:
Veeder-Root TLS-300 Consoles,
ProPlus Consoles
Gilbarco EMC Basic Consoles
Veeder-Root TLS-350 Series Consoles,
ProMax Consoles
Gilbarco EMC Consoles
This manual assumes that you are installing the console in a new site (before pavement is put down and with no
wiring runs in place). Among the topics covered are:
Site layout considerations.
Installing the console and connecting wiring from the AC power panel.
Probe installation procedures.
Sensor installation procedures.
Installing wiring conduit between the console and the probes and sensors.
Probe and sensor field junction box wiring diagrams.
Attaching sensor wiring to the console.
Contractor Certification Requirements
Veeder-Root requires the following minimum training certifications for contractors who will install and setup the
equipment discussed in this manual:
Installer (Level 1) Certification:
Contractors holding valid Installer Certification are approved to perform wiring
and conduit routing; equipment mounting; probe, sensor and carbon canister vapor polisher installation; wireless
equipment installation; tank and line preparation; and line leak detector installation.
ATG Technician (Level 2/3 or 4) Certification:
Contractors holding valid ATG Technician Certifications are
approved to perform installation checkout, startup, programming and operations training, system tests,
troubleshooting and servicing for all Veeder-Root Series Tank Monitoring Systems, including Line Leak Detection.
In addition, Contractors with the following sub-certification designations are approved to perform installation
checkout, startup, programming, system tests, troubleshooting, service techniques and operations training on the
designated system.
• Wireless 2
• Tall Tank
VR Vapor Products Certification:
Contractors holding a certification with the following designations are
approved to perform installation checkout, startup, programming, system tests, troubleshooting, service techniques
and operations training on the designated system.
• ISD – In Station Diagnostics
• PMC – Pressure Management Control
• CCVP - Veeder-Root Vapor Polisher