Setup and Operation Manual
Activating the Display
Subsequently, if no button press or operation occurs in 30 seconds, the display will go blank and wait for a
button to be pressed to reactivate. Initially, when reactivated, the Display Head enters the Volume mode.
Once the unit has been setup, the default reactivation mode will be the Pre-Dispense mode you choose in
setup. Also, if you enable the OEM message in setup, it will scroll across the Descriptor field until the 30
second timeout.
Activating the Display
Display is blank after the 30 second timeout. Press a button on the display, if the timeout follows setup, the pre-
dispense default mode is displayed. Otherwise the display on the screen prior to the timeout will display.
Display is blank after 30 second timeout. Press a button on the display, the OEM message scrolls in the
Descriptor field. Press a button on the display, if the timeout follows setup, the pre-dispense default mode is
displayed. Otherwise the display on the screen prior to the timeout will display.
Display Value Fields
Six digits display the current volume, currency value, final price, or rate of fuel dispensed. The area is used to
display different selections. Values may display in various resolutions by selecting options in the C&C Mode.
Decimal and comma selection is available in this mode for 5 of the 6 digits.
Six digits display the volume preset, volume preset count down, price, currency preset values, or currency preset
count down. The area is used to enter different selections of price, volume preset, or currency preset. Values may
display in various resolutions by selecting options in the C&C Mode. Decimal and comma selection is available in
this mode for 5 of the 6 digits.
Eight digits display the grand totalizer volume dispensed for the life of the product. Decimal selection is available in
this mode for 2 of the 8 digits.
Fourteen Characters at one time, with a rolling text capability for extended messages (up to 24 characters total),
displays description of values, labels, time/date, and instructional messages. labels, descriptions, and messages
are changeable in C&C Mode. Error codes will appear also in this field.
Display icons and indicators
Emergency Stop
- Octagon icon displayed when optional emergency stop switch contacts are closed. This
remote switch will be mounted near the Display Head and is pushed to stop flow and pulled to resume flow.
- Fuel nozzle icon displayed constantly when system is ready to dispense. The Icon will flash when
approaching the time-out in delivery mode (30 seconds). See single delivery mode for further explanation.
- The thermometer icon will display only when a temperature compensated product is selected.