Interleave Scanning and LiftMode
Use of LiftMode with TappingMode
Rev. B
MultiMode SPM Instruction Manual
12.5.3 Interleave Drive Amplitude and Frequency Selection
The cantilever drive amplitude can be set differently in the Lift scan as compared to the main scan
by toggling the
ag on the left of the corresponding Interleave Control to “on” (green) and
adjusting the value. This allows the tuning of a measurement in the Lift scan lines without
disturbing the topography data acquired during the Main scan lines. The Interleave
must be set low enough that the tip does not strike the surface during the Lift pass.
The Interleave
Drive frequency
can also be adjusted, which may be useful if acquiring amplitude
The cantilever drive circuit features a
lter capacitor to limit the rate at which
the drive amplitude is changed between Main and Interleave scanning. If using
scan rates above a few hertz, it may be advantageous to remove or disable the
lter. For more information on how to disable the
lter, contact Veeco technical
12.5.4 Amplitude Data Interpretation
When monitoring amplitude data in LiftMode, brighter regions correspond to smaller amplitude,
and darker regions to larger amplitude.
Before enabling the Interleave Drive Amplitude, check that its
value is not much larger than the main Drive Amplitude value to
prevent possible damage to the tip.
Lors d’un travail en mode intercalé (
Interleave Mode
), vérifier
que la tension appliquée pour osciller le bras de levier lorsqu’il est
en positon haute n’est pas beaucoup plus importante que la tension
appliquée lorsque ce même bras de levier est en position basse
Drive Amplitude).
Le non respect de cette procédure peut
entraîner la destruction de la pointe.
Bevor Sie im Interleave-Mode die “Interleave Drive-Amplitude“
einschalten, vergewissern Sie sich bitte, daß der dort eingetragene
Wert nicht wesentlich größer ist, als der Wert der “Main Drive-
Amplitude“, um evtl. Beschädigungen der Spitze vorzubeugen.