Doc. No.:
Release Transmitter User Manual
Design is the property of VECTRONIC Aerospace GmbH.
Unauthorized duplication or distribution to a third party is prohibited.
2 The Release Transmitter
The release transmitter is switched on with the
button. It will switch off automatically
30 seconds after the last button has been pressed.
The release transmitter can be connected to a PC for configuration with an USB cable.
The display will then show USB
PC . The keys will not respond while the transmitter
is attached to a PC via USB. After 30 seconds, the backlight of the display will be
switched off; after 5 minutes, the transmitter will be switched off. It can be switched on
again by pressing the
Figure 1: Left: Release Transmitter, right top: VECTRONIC
UHF 2-Element Yagi Antenna, right: waterproof USB-connector with rubber cover as protection
against dirt.
Note: Never
use the transmitter without, or with a wrong, antenna! Use only the
VECTRONIC 2-Element Yagi which came with the Release Transmitter unit or an
approved substitute. Otherwise you may severely damage the transmitter.
In the field, make sure the USB port is always protected by the rubber cover to
avoid dirt entering the port.