11 Appendix
32 / 41
Command Reference
The following section contains the general command reference of the IRC-320 firmware. It can be
output to the camera’s serial interface by sending the command
. Please note, that this firmware
is used in other camera models as well. Thus not all commands and parameters mentioned in this
reference are useful in conjunction to the IRC-320 camera.
IRC-300CL/GE, IRC-320CL/GE, IRC-600CL/GE, NIR-300(F)(P)CL/GE
and NIR-600PCL/PGE Series Command Help
Version...............: V1A / 05.02.2009 / VDS Vosskuehler GmbH / JP
Referenced Firmware...: V19 / V0110
General Information
Each command consists of a command letter, optionally followed by an equality
sign and a parameter value in hexadecimal number representation. The command
letter is case sensitive. Hexadecimal values are always upper case and are 1 to
4 digits long. The command is activated by sending a carriage return character
([CR], ASCII character number 0x0D). Serial communication operates in echo mode
by default. This means that each character received by the module is echoed
back to the sender.
Example (set Baudrate to 115200 Baud, RS-232 only):
After successful execution of the command, the command input character ">" is
output. If any error occurred, somewhere previous to the prompt a question
mark character "?" is displayed.
To query a parameter value, send the corresponding command letter followed by
the equality sign and a question mark character:
If the intended action does not need any parameter, it is also sufficient in
most cases - as a shortcut - to send the command letter only, directly followed
by [CR].
At the beginning of a command sequence it is good practice to check the serial
communication by sending just a [CR] to the camera and verify that the command
prompt ">" is returned. There is an input buffer holding a few characters
but no hardware handshake. Thus a sequence of commands should not be send to
the camera without awaiting the intermediate input prompts. Otherwise the
camera’s serial input buffer may overflow.
How to use Help
To see this help text type the following command:
<p8> : 8 bits long parameter value (1 to 2 Hex characters)
<p16> : 16 bits long parameter value (1 to 4 Hex characters)
<aa00_*bbb> : 8 bits long parameter (resulting in two hex chars)
consisting of bit fields. The function of each bit field is
described, like this:
"aa" : Lower case letters label the bits of interest.
"00" : These bits have to be zero.
"_" : Separation character for readability.
"*" : Marks a don´t care bit, should be written as "0".
"bbb" : Bit fields may have any length.
(*) : Some commands are only accessible in a special password protected
administrator mode.
VDS Vosskühler GmbH