11. Replacing an IDENTIKEY Appliance
IDENTIKEY Appliance can be easily replaced in the event of hardware failure, by restoring a backup from an old
appliance to a new one.
If the replacement appliance is running an older product version than the version running on the appliance to be
replaced, the replacement appliance must be upgraded before a backup can be restored (see
Replacement IDENTIKEY Appliance
The replacement appliance should run the same product version as the appliance being replaced. Upgrade paths
for all features may not be supported when restoring a backup to a more recent version. If in doubt, contact the
supplier of your IDENTIKEY Appliance.
The RAID option (for IDENTIKEY Appliance AG-7XXX models only) provides (hot swappable) hard disk redundancy,
supporting full services even when a hard disk fails (see
11.1. Installing and Licensing a Replacement IDENTIKEY Appliance
Procedure 21: Installing and licensing a replacement IDENTIKEY Appliance
1. Connect the replacement appliance to your network (see
4. Connecting IDENTIKEY Appliance to your Net-
2. Open the IDENTIKEY Appliance Configuration Tool (see
5.2. Accessing and Logging in to the IDENTIKEY
3. Complete the
Configuration Wizard
Configuration Wizard
offers you a link to restore a backup. This enables you to proceed with the
backup without having to complete the wizard.
4. Restore the backup from the IDENTIKEY Appliance to be replaced (see
The license from your previous IDENTIKEY Appliance remains valid for a grace period of 30 days. You need
to re-license the replacement appliance within that grace period (see
8.4.1. Changing the IP Address or
Restoring a Backup to an IDENTIKEY Appliance
After restoring a backup to a replacement appliance there is a grace period of 30 days during which all services
are available. When the grace period expires, the IDENTIKEY Authentication Server Administration Web Interface
and the IDENTIKEY Appliance Configuration Tool are still accessible for administration and management pur-
poses, but no services are available.
11. Replacing an IDENTIKEY Appliance
IDENTIKEY Appliance 3.11.12 - Installation and Maintenance Guide