Varisco S.p.A.
Z.I. Nord - Terza Strada, 9 - 35129 PADOVA – ITALY
Tel.+39.049.8294111 Email: [email protected]
Fax+39.049.8076762 Web: www.variscospa.com
This Functioning and Maintenance Manual (hereinafter named “Manual”) was written according to
par. 1.7.4 of the E.C.C. Directive 891391/ C.E.E., par. 1.7.4 of D.P.R. 459 of 24 July 1996
considering the normal operating conditions of the machine, with the purpose to inform, as set out
in the instructions attached to the machine itself, the operators/users on the risks deriving from its
Note: the Manual is an integral part of the machine, must be carefully read before any operation is
carried out and is to be kept for future reference.
The CE marking has been applied according to the Directive of the Board 93/68/CEE (GUCE L 220
of 30/08/1993), and to the annex. III of Directive 89/392 (GUCE L 183 of 23/06/1989) and to any
later modifications of it.
The documentation meant as technical file in compliance with the CE statement of conformance for
this machine was drawn up according to the provisions set out in the Annex. V of ECC Directive
89/392 and its modifications, as well as in full complance with D.P.R. 459 of 24 July 1996, which
takes in the above-mentioned EU Directive, and is kept by the Manufacturer.
The noise made by the machine is: Leq=<80dB.
Based on the results assessed according to D.L.vo 277/91 and the provisions of D.L. 459/96, a list
of obligations to be fulfilled by employers, executives and operators must be drawn up according to
the degree of exposure to the noise by the workers.
The noise made by the machine is within range 1, wherein the noise risk is considered null.
These instructions contain basic warnings to be complied with during installation, operation and
maintenance. Therefore, these instructions must absolutely be read by the assembler, the technical
staff and by operators before assembly and startup, and must be kept available at any time on the
site where the machine or plant is used.
The staff in charge of operation, maintenance, inspection and assembly must be qualified. The plant
manager must precisely set out any responsibilities, qualifications and control related to the
personnel. If the personnel is not adequately informed, it is to be trained and informed. This can be
made, if necessary, by the manufacturer/supplier on behalf of the machine user. Moreover, the user
must check that the contents of these instructions are fully understood by the personnel.
The customer must be aware of the use of lifting devices and harnessing techniques in compliance
with the relevant rules concerning accident prevention.
See par. 5.1 (Packing and transport).
The customer must be aware of the features and working characteristics of the plant in which the
pump is to be fixed. Moreover, he must get information on the pump functioning in advance, be
informed of the safety warnings, startup and maintenance instructions.
The service staff shall be instructed on the use of the pump and related plant.